This page is dedicated to the ANGELS in my life. Angels come in many shapes and sizes and these are just a few of my favorite ones. I will be introducing them as I go. So sit back and enjoy the introductions to the ones I love the most. I must say that the frist "true" angel in my life would be my mother. I am an adopted child and this woman has a heart of gold. She has been there for me since I was a wee one and still is today. She is always there for me and for anyone for that matter. I can think of none that have met my mom and not benefited from knowing her. My guardian angel is my Grandfather on my Dad's side. He passed away in 1983, and it crushed me. I spent many angry days. Angry at the wrong ones, but angry none the less. Then one day, when I thought I could get no lower, there he was in all his youthfulness, my Grampa. Yes, it was a wounderous vision, he said it was all okay, not to be angry at anyone especially not God. He was called to a better place so he could watch over my being with better insight. I do see him often and hear his voice in my times of need and his answers as always are the right ones, maybe not the popular one, but always the right one. MY GUARDIAN ANGEL!!! (I love you) My children are my gift angels. My son is truly a blessing and a challenge. I believe that God gives us each special qualities. He is loaded with them. He is the most giving person for his age.(11) and so full of life and vigor. He is a constant reminder for me to remember what it was to be young. My daughter was a oooppps baby, but I would do nothing to change having her. She gives my life balance. My mother says she is just like I was. She is my gift from above. We weren't going to have any more children and he graced us with her. To that, Thanks be to him on high. She is four years old and full of all the things little girls should be, along with a bit of fiesty.
Then there is my other daughter. She is my step-daughter and a really wonderful person. She is 20 years old and very independant and full of life and what it has to offer. She has been a big part of my life as long as I can remember. She is a constant reminder to me of what life is about. She is a very intelligent and sweet child. I love her as if she were my own. |